Green Technology

Global Policies Shaping the Future of Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is something that we can all benefit from and that our world leaders are actively working on every day. With new technologies helping to make renewable energy attainable, there are now more options for sustainability than ever before. Currently, there are several global policies in the works or already in place working to ensure that renewable energy is a part of our future.

What is Renewable Energy?

In simple terms, renewable energy is any type of energy that can be derived in which the source of the energy is not fully depleted when the energy is harvested. This can be wind power, solar power, and more. This type of energy is far more sustainable for our planet than other forms of energy that have a finite source and that are depleted when the energy is harvested.

Non-renewable is any energy source that is depleted when it is used. This can be fossil fuels like coal, natural gas, and even petroleum. The main component of these forms of energy is carbon. Once that carbon is used up, a new source has to be found, and new sources of carbon-based energy are not being readily made and will not be replenished before our lifetime is over.

Why is Renewable So Important?

This type of energy is important for one reason and one reason only, it is the only sustainable source of energy that we can depend on during our lifetime. As we have already discussed, non-renewable or fossil fuels are not going to be replenished in our lifetimes. It took millions of years for the carbon in those types of fuels to be created and we do not have millions of years to wait for more of it to be created.

Instead, when those fossil fuels run out, we are forced to find new sources of that fuel. With renewable sources, there is always going to be more of the energy being created. Wind is not going anywhere, the energy that is created by wind power is not going anywhere. The power created by the sun is not going anywhere. These are both sources of energy that we can readily harvest without depleting the entire store so to speak.

These renewable sources are all around us and are easy to access and readily available, unlike fossil fuels that are detrimental to the environment, that destroy the landscape that they are harvested from, and that require special permits and equipment that can cost millions. That is not to say that fossil fuels are not important, they are, it is just equally if not more important that we start to take a look at our energy future and find alternate sources of energy that are actually going to work for us.

Renewable is better for our health, better for the environment, and is more readily available for even private citizens than ever before. Things like solar panels are affordable and able to be installed on private homes. There is more research being done every day on the benefits of renewables and there is now more data to support these claims than ever before. We have the opportunity to be part of the renewable revolution.

Global Renewable Energy Policies

Currently, most countries have some sort of renewable policy in place that help to encourage and even reward the use of renewable energy. The United States, for instance, has a policy that states that each fiscal year the government must get at least 7.5% of its energy from renewable sources.

Similarly, other countries also have requirements for how much energy must be renewable each year. Iceland is leading the charge with 86.87% of their energy coming from renewable sources. Norway uses 71.56% renewable sources, and Sweden uses 50.92% renewable sources. Countries like Costa Rica hold the record for the most consecutive days using only renewable options at 300 back in 2018.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency is working to create policies that encourage and promote the use of renewable energy as well. In California the state has set a standard that requires that the state utilities are able to create 100% clean energy by the year 2045. Currently, they are also requiring that the state must provide at least 60% of electricity that comes from renewable sources by 2030.

In the United States, each state has its own renewable source energy policies that they are expected to follow. For the most part, people in each state are encouraged to make smart choices and upgrades when it comes to energy through state incentives. Things like tax breaks for energy-efficient cars and appliances are a great example.

What Does the Future of Renewable Look Like?

As with any technology or policy change, there is no sure fire way to say that this or that is actually going to happen. As we get further and further into the technology and advances that come with renewable technology, there is now more accessible technology than ever before.

What was once something that was difficult for states and countries to adopt is easier than ever and there are now more incentives and more research being done about renewable sources than previously thought. With more information, better technology, and a more open-minded approach to this type of energy, it is likely that there is going to be even more growth in this sector and that more and more countries and governments are going to adopt policies that help not only support this type of energy, but those that want to adopt it as well.

The government is taking the time to truly evaluate the claims and research that have been made into renewables and they are working to help the people understand so that they too can see that renewable is a great way to go. Though things like fossil fuels are always going to be used and are always going to be preferred in some areas, renewable is a feasible option that is becoming more and more commonplace.

Renewable energy is something that we can all benefit from and that our world leaders are actively working on every day. With new technologies helping to make renewable energy attainable, there are now more options for sustainability than ever before. Currently, there are several global policies in the works or already in place working to ensure that renewable energy is a part of our future.

What is Renewable Energy?

In simple terms, renewable energy is any type of energy that can be derived in which the source of the energy is not fully depleted when the energy is harvested. This can be wind power, solar power, and more. This type of energy is far more sustainable for our planet than other forms of energy that have a finite source and that are depleted when the energy is harvested.

Non-renewable is any energy source that is depleted when it is used. This can be fossil fuels like coal, natural gas, and even petroleum. The main component of these forms of energy is carbon. Once that carbon is used up, a new source has to be found, and new sources of carbon-based energy are not being readily made and will not be replenished before our lifetime is over.

Why is Renewable So Important?

This type of energy is important for one reason and one reason only, it is the only sustainable source of energy that we can depend on during our lifetime. As we have already discussed, non-renewable or fossil fuels are not going to be replenished in our lifetimes. It took millions of years for the carbon in those types of fuels to be created and we do not have millions of years to wait for more of it to be created.

Instead, when those fossil fuels run out, we are forced to find new sources of that fuel. With renewable sources, there is always going to be more of the energy being created. Wind is not going anywhere, the energy that is created by wind power is not going anywhere. The power created by the sun is not going anywhere. These are both sources of energy that we can readily harvest without depleting the entire store so to speak.

These renewable sources are all around us and are easy to access and readily available, unlike fossil fuels that are detrimental to the environment, that destroy the landscape that they are harvested from, and that require special permits and equipment that can cost millions. That is not to say that fossil fuels are not important, they are, it is just equally if not more important that we start to take a look at our energy future and find alternate sources of energy that are actually going to work for us.

Renewable is better for our health, better for the environment, and is more readily available for even private citizens than ever before. Things like solar panels are affordable and able to be installed on private homes. There is more research being done every day on the benefits of renewables and there is now more data to support these claims than ever before. We have the opportunity to be part of the renewable revolution.

Global Renewable Energy Policies

Currently, most countries have some sort of renewable policy in place that help to encourage and even reward the use of renewable energy. The United States, for instance, has a policy that states that each fiscal year the government must get at least 7.5% of its energy from renewable sources.

Similarly, other countries also have requirements for how much energy must be renewable each year. Iceland is leading the charge with 86.87% of their energy coming from renewable sources. Norway uses 71.56% renewable sources, and Sweden uses 50.92% renewable sources. Countries like Costa Rica hold the record for the most consecutive days using only renewable options at 300 back in 2018.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency is working to create policies that encourage and promote the use of renewable energy as well. In California the state has set a standard that requires that the state utilities are able to create 100% clean energy by the year 2045. Currently, they are also requiring that the state must provide at least 60% of electricity that comes from renewable sources by 2030.

In the United States, each state has its own renewable source energy policies that they are expected to follow. For the most part, people in each state are encouraged to make smart choices and upgrades when it comes to energy through state incentives. Things like tax breaks for energy-efficient cars and appliances are a great example.

What Does the Future of Renewable Look Like?

As with any technology or policy change, there is no sure fire way to say that this or that is actually going to happen. As we get further and further into the technology and advances that come with renewable technology, there is now more accessible technology than ever before.

What was once something that was difficult for states and countries to adopt is easier than ever and there are now more incentives and more research being done about renewable sources than previously thought. With more information, better technology, and a more open-minded approach to this type of energy, it is likely that there is going to be even more growth in this sector and that more and more countries and governments are going to adopt policies that help not only support this type of energy, but those that want to adopt it as well.

The government is taking the time to truly evaluate the claims and research that have been made into renewables and they are working to help the people understand so that they too can see that renewable is a great way to go. Though things like fossil fuels are always going to be used and are always going to be preferred in some areas, renewable is a feasible option that is becoming more and more commonplace.