The rising cost of electricity has led to the growth of solar energy as a feasible alternative to traditional power sources. It is partly because solar energy costs are expected to decrease as photovoltaic prices drop, making it a more affordable option for homeowners. However, the use of photovoltaic systems may present new threats and risks associated with hazardous materials that can contaminate land and groundwater resources. Here we will explore these potential hazards and recommend actions that decision-makers can take to minimize their environmental impact. Animals inhabiting the land around solar panel systems can ingest hazardous materials, leading to potentially lethal health risks.
Among the greatest concerns are antimony, arsenic, cadmium, and hexavalent chromium. Ingestion of these chemicals is known to lead to an increased frequency of developmental and reproductive problems in mammals and cancer in humans. Exposure is also highlighted as a danger associated with photovoltaic installations. Many scientists have warned against potential human exposure to elevated levels of these chemicals due to the structure and operation of this technology.
In addition to these threats, others are less apparent due to their indirect association with solar energy systems.
How To Evaluate Hazardous Materials in Photovoltaic Systems
1. Identify the chemicals of concern for each site
Using hazardous materials, specifically in solar installations, is nothing new. As early as 1961, scientists were concerned with the potential health risks associated with workers in solar panel manufacturing facilities. Since then, many studies have examined the health effects of occupational exposure to photovoltaic systems. For example, workers exposed to cadmium and antimony have been shown to exhibit increased frequency of lung cancer and bladder cancer, respectively. While we know these chemicals are toxic, there are still questions regarding their impact on non-occupational populations, such as residential users living near solar energy systems. Therefore, researchers have focused on identifying which chemicals threaten human and environmental health.
A review of studies on hazardous materials in photovoltaic systems showed that most studies found arsenic, cadmium, and hexavalent chromium. These substances are used in the manufacture of semiconductors and are common by-products of electronic manufacturing processes.
2. Assess the pathway by which chemicals reach the environment
The risk of exposure to hazardous materials is modulated by the pathway by which these substances enter our environment. In some cases, photovoltaic systems may be located in remote locations where groundwater is not a major source of drinking water. In these rare instances, direct exposure to hazardous materials is not a huge concern because pollutants will have little contact with humans and their environments. In most cases, however, photovoltaic systems are located near residential areas where groundwater and potential drinking water sources are close at hand or nearby. It increases the potential for exposure of humans and animals who come into contact with groundwater and surface water directly or indirectly due to contaminated soil leaching into environmental sources.
3. Establish the potential for contamination in the environment
Potential risks facing homeowners near solar energy systems can be evaluated by determining how much hazardous material is present in susceptible land or groundwater resources at potential contamination sites. Choosing how dangerous material may be on private property protects public health and safety by providing the necessary information to avoid harm. Studies have shown that approximately 3% of cadmium, 0.3% of antimony, and 21% of hexavalent chromium are typically found in topsoil across residential, agricultural, and industrial landscapes. This information can be utilized to determine how much of these toxic chemicals are present on each piece of private property near a solar panel system. This step is essential in determining the potential risks residential users face and allows them to take necessary precautions when planning solar panel installations.
4. Recommend measures to reduce chemical exposures
The most effective ways to reduce potential exposure risks associated with hazardous materials are by not using them in the first place or by employing other strategies that decrease the amount of material released into the environment. Reducing the amount of hazardous material in the domain is also important to protecting public health. If a homeowner installs a solar panel system on their roof, how much of these chemicals could reach the ground and water?
As it turns out, homeowners can effectively reduce their exposure by using photovoltaic systems in areas with no present potential drinking water sources, such as bringing wells up to code and installing low-flow toilets. Low-flow toilets eliminate the need for leachate collection systems, which increases plumbing costs and decreases owner efficiency. It makes it difficult for some homeowners and utility companies to take advantage of these programs, reducing the amount of money spent on drinking water and other related utilities.
5. Identify the current and future trends in photovoltaic systems
Although many people see solar energy as a clean and renewable resource, there are still chemicals in photovoltaic systems, and some of those substances could threaten human health and the environment. By understanding how the number of installations is expected to change, we can plan for ways to deal with potential risks from this growing technology. The United States has been a leader in photovoltaic developments, but several other countries have grown rapidly in recent years.
6. Evaluate the future public health impact of solar energy systems.
With a growing number of photovoltaic installations, scientists have explored the possibility that certain chemicals can be released into the environment much faster than conventional energy systems. As the use of solar energy increases, it is important to determine if increased infrastructure leads to increased exposure to hazardous materials and their impact on human health.
Studies have shown that solar panel manufacturing and installation processes produce low concentrations of toxic chemicals in groundwater and soil samples from residential properties near photovoltaic systems. In addition, no significant differences between background levels were found near homes with solar energy systems compared to homes without such panels.
Although these studies have shown that the environment near residential properties can be relatively clean, it is important to monitor how these chemicals are released over time continually. Changes in land use and geology might lead to increased release of toxic material into the environment. As more solar systems are installed and more efficient, they will require less maintenance and allow them to operate at higher efficiencies, thereby releasing more toxic materials into the air and groundwater. The ability of scientists to measure these changes will enable them to understand better where these harmful chemicals may eventually end up when they may not have been a concern before today’s solar energy system implementations. The information gathered through monitoring efforts can be used in developing public health guidelines for future installations.
Some evidence exists that these systems may pose risks; much more information must be gathered before conclusions can be made. More research needs to be done to better understand the chemicals and equipment used in photovoltaic systems and how they interact with the environment and groundwater. The studies we have available today suggest that most potentially harmful materials are not released into the atmosphere for particularly long periods.
However, even those studies that show that there aren’t significant levels of hazardous substances associated with photovoltaic systems do not fully address the risks of long-term exposure from these systems. There is no established federal standard for how long they can operate without releasing harmful chemicals into the environment.
Studies have shown that solar panel manufacturing and installation processes produce low concentrations of toxic chemicals in groundwater and soil samples from residential properties near photovoltaic systems.
The rising cost of electricity has led to the growth of solar energy as a feasible alternative to traditional power sources. It is partly because solar energy costs are expected to decrease as photovoltaic prices drop, making it a more affordable option for homeowners. However, the use of photovoltaic systems may present new threats and risks associated with hazardous materials that can contaminate land and groundwater resources. Here we will explore these potential hazards and recommend actions that decision-makers can take to minimize their environmental impact. Animals inhabiting the land around solar panel systems can ingest hazardous materials, leading to potentially lethal health risks.
Among the greatest concerns are antimony, arsenic, cadmium, and hexavalent chromium. Ingestion of these chemicals is known to lead to an increased frequency of developmental and reproductive problems in mammals and cancer in humans. Exposure is also highlighted as a danger associated with photovoltaic installations. Many scientists have warned against potential human exposure to elevated levels of these chemicals due to the structure and operation of this technology.
In addition to these threats, others are less apparent due to their indirect association with solar energy systems.
How To Evaluate Hazardous Materials in Photovoltaic Systems
1. Identify the chemicals of concern for each site
Using hazardous materials, specifically in solar installations, is nothing new. As early as 1961, scientists were concerned with the potential health risks associated with workers in solar panel manufacturing facilities. Since then, many studies have examined the health effects of occupational exposure to photovoltaic systems. For example, workers exposed to cadmium and antimony have been shown to exhibit increased frequency of lung cancer and bladder cancer, respectively. While we know these chemicals are toxic, there are still questions regarding their impact on non-occupational populations, such as residential users living near solar energy systems. Therefore, researchers have focused on identifying which chemicals threaten human and environmental health.
A review of studies on hazardous materials in photovoltaic systems showed that most studies found arsenic, cadmium, and hexavalent chromium. These substances are used in the manufacture of semiconductors and are common by-products of electronic manufacturing processes.
2. Assess the pathway by which chemicals reach the environment
The risk of exposure to hazardous materials is modulated by the pathway by which these substances enter our environment. In some cases, photovoltaic systems may be located in remote locations where groundwater is not a major source of drinking water. In these rare instances, direct exposure to hazardous materials is not a huge concern because pollutants will have little contact with humans and their environments. In most cases, however, photovoltaic systems are located near residential areas where groundwater and potential drinking water sources are close at hand or nearby. It increases the potential for exposure of humans and animals who come into contact with groundwater and surface water directly or indirectly due to contaminated soil leaching into environmental sources.
3. Establish the potential for contamination in the environment
Potential risks facing homeowners near solar energy systems can be evaluated by determining how much hazardous material is present in susceptible land or groundwater resources at potential contamination sites. Choosing how dangerous material may be on private property protects public health and safety by providing the necessary information to avoid harm. Studies have shown that approximately 3% of cadmium, 0.3% of antimony, and 21% of hexavalent chromium are typically found in topsoil across residential, agricultural, and industrial landscapes. This information can be utilized to determine how much of these toxic chemicals are present on each piece of private property near a solar panel system. This step is essential in determining the potential risks residential users face and allows them to take necessary precautions when planning solar panel installations.
4. Recommend measures to reduce chemical exposures
The most effective ways to reduce potential exposure risks associated with hazardous materials are by not using them in the first place or by employing other strategies that decrease the amount of material released into the environment. Reducing the amount of hazardous material in the domain is also important to protecting public health. If a homeowner installs a solar panel system on their roof, how much of these chemicals could reach the ground and water?
As it turns out, homeowners can effectively reduce their exposure by using photovoltaic systems in areas with no present potential drinking water sources, such as bringing wells up to code and installing low-flow toilets. Low-flow toilets eliminate the need for leachate collection systems, which increases plumbing costs and decreases owner efficiency. It makes it difficult for some homeowners and utility companies to take advantage of these programs, reducing the amount of money spent on drinking water and other related utilities.
5. Identify the current and future trends in photovoltaic systems
Although many people see solar energy as a clean and renewable resource, there are still chemicals in photovoltaic systems, and some of those substances could threaten human health and the environment. By understanding how the number of installations is expected to change, we can plan for ways to deal with potential risks from this growing technology. The United States has been a leader in photovoltaic developments, but several other countries have grown rapidly in recent years.
6. Evaluate the future public health impact of solar energy systems.
With a growing number of photovoltaic installations, scientists have explored the possibility that certain chemicals can be released into the environment much faster than conventional energy systems. As the use of solar energy increases, it is important to determine if increased infrastructure leads to increased exposure to hazardous materials and their impact on human health.
Studies have shown that solar panel manufacturing and installation processes produce low concentrations of toxic chemicals in groundwater and soil samples from residential properties near photovoltaic systems. In addition, no significant differences between background levels were found near homes with solar energy systems compared to homes without such panels.
Although these studies have shown that the environment near residential properties can be relatively clean, it is important to monitor how these chemicals are released over time continually. Changes in land use and geology might lead to increased release of toxic material into the environment. As more solar systems are installed and more efficient, they will require less maintenance and allow them to operate at higher efficiencies, thereby releasing more toxic materials into the air and groundwater. The ability of scientists to measure these changes will enable them to understand better where these harmful chemicals may eventually end up when they may not have been a concern before today’s solar energy system implementations. The information gathered through monitoring efforts can be used in developing public health guidelines for future installations.
Some evidence exists that these systems may pose risks; much more information must be gathered before conclusions can be made. More research needs to be done to better understand the chemicals and equipment used in photovoltaic systems and how they interact with the environment and groundwater. The studies we have available today suggest that most potentially harmful materials are not released into the atmosphere for particularly long periods.
However, even those studies that show that there aren’t significant levels of hazardous substances associated with photovoltaic systems do not fully address the risks of long-term exposure from these systems. There is no established federal standard for how long they can operate without releasing harmful chemicals into the environment.
Studies have shown that solar panel manufacturing and installation processes produce low concentrations of toxic chemicals in groundwater and soil samples from residential properties near photovoltaic systems.