Photovoltaics is the technology we use to convert sunlight to electricity. Scientists made the first solar cell from silicon in 1954. They found that when they exposed silicon to sunlight it generated electric current. So, they started developing the technology at Bell Laboratories.
They used solar cells they made to power satellites in space. And here on Earth, small gadgets like watches and calculators. Solar electrical energy has now become cost-effective in many places. And solar technology has grown. It has the potential to be an important part of the electric supply system of our world. Solar energy development has made great advances in recent years. But still, there are continuing efforts. There is a need to improve efficiency in converting sunlight to electric power.
The recent developments in solar technology include solar cells that last longer. They also generate electricity with more efficiency. There are also solar cells that have become so small that we can print them on plastic and roll them up. Panels can track the sun during the day. And there are solar power generators that produce electricity during the night.
Different solar cells
Traditional solar panels are heavy and rigid. But new technology is giving us cells small enough that we can print on flexible plastic sheets. We can use the sheets to coat windows and awnings. We can even print them on a T-shirt. Or you can wrap them around things as small as a pencil. We can make miniature cells at a much lower cost than the traditional panels currently in the market.
Silicon cells produce much of the solar energy generated. This is because of their efficient power generation rates at a reasonable cost. Large panels of these cells serve as solar installations on residential roofs. They are also installed on the top of commercial buildings. They are also mounted and installed on racks in areas such as large solar farms. From there to supply an extensive utility system.
Developments in photovoltaic technology make it possible to use thin-film solar cells. These are thin layers of cadmium telluride or copper indium gallium diselenide. The films are light and flexible. And can have portable uses or for windows to harness the sun’s energy to generate electricity. These solar cells need less energy to produce. We can also scale up the production of electricity with greater ease than with silicon cells.
There is also a third kind of solar cell that we can use to convert sunlight into electricity. The III-V-solar cell gets its name from the elements forming its composition. The Group III and Group V elements. These solar cells cost much more to make than others. But they are more efficient in converting sunlight into electricity. These cells are better utilized when we need more power in relation to weight. This would be vehicles such as UAVs and satellites.
New developments in photovoltaic technologies hold promises for the future. Researchers can come up with better solar cells. We may be able to make solar cells from both organic and inorganic materials. The newer technologies may also have more efficient methods. And produce solar cells at lower costs, among other benefits. Such developments can make solar energy become more accessible and used on a wide scale.
Solar Shingles
Already we see that technology is allowing us to harness solar energy in new ways. The company, Sun Tiles, has developed solar shingles used as roof tiles. These tiles function as solar panels. They feed the power from sunlight through the electrical system of the house. This removes the need for us to have separate solar panels on the roof. The use of these shingles is better than traditional solar panels on the roof. The shingles fit in as a normal roof and become part of the building’s structure and a pleasing design.
Solar Windows
Solar windows are also another development in photovoltaic technologies for Solar Energy Generation. Instead of the normal window glass, we can have solar cells installed in its place. This makes the conversion of sunlight to solar energy less noticeable. And less discomforting to the sight. Solar windows are still in development. researched. But experts have confidence that these windows will be available within five years.
This development of solar windows makes solar cells generate electricity with more efficiency. They use other kinds of light to produce electricity. So, solar windows can give us as much as twice the output of solar cells. Solar windows will provide us with electricity from the sun’s visible light. And also energy from other sources.
Solar cars
Cars powered by solar energy are another development in solar technology. Scientists have developed a solar cell to convert solar energy to power the motor of a car. Solar energy technology is also used to produce hydrogen for fuel.
Solar Night plant
Developers of solar power plants in North America unveiled a new solar power plant in 2016. One that can generate electricity at night. This solar plant is in the Mojave Desert in California. It is a solar farm made of panels placed on steel stands. It has a battery system that stores the electricity produced from its solar panels. It then uses solar power to generate electricity during the night.
Perovskite solar cells
Researchers in England have revealed a new solar cell. They made this kind of cell using perovskite crystals in 2016.
Solar cells from these crystals can be at least 20% more efficient than silicon solar cells. These cells are gaining popularity. So, we can expect more solar panels and power plants to use this technology soon.
Sun-Tracking solar cells
In December 2016, Researchers were working at the University of New South Wales. They came up with solar cells that can track the sun during the day. They shaped the solar cells in the form of bowls and use solar trackers on the sun to get as much of its energy as possible. They made this type of solar cell from many smaller solar cells. And it gives us more solar energy than we would get from a solar panel. It can generate about 50% more power on clear days.
Printable solar cells
Researchers at Michigan Technological University, in 2017 revealed new solar cells. Those that we can print on thin sheets of plastic. These cells are only about a half millimeter in thickness. So, they are flexible and we can roll them up. They are also water resistant and we can submerge them in water or drive them over by a car without damage. We can print these solar cells onto flexible sheets. And they will allow us to put solar power anywhere. Even in places we have never been able to place solar panels.
An increase in interest in solar power drives solar technology. There is also research funding available. And investments in solar energy generation driving its development.
Judging the growth in solar power generation in recent years, it is sure to keep growing for a long time to come. Newer solar power plants are being set up each week. And solar panels are getting more affordable. There have been recent developments in solar power generation. And they show that it will become vital in our future daily lives.